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In December 2023, the Newton City Council passed an updated tree ordinance.   It was a step in the right direction, yet there remains much more to do to protect all trees in Newton and maintain the progress we have made against new threats.

Protect Newton Trees!

Take action now:


We aim to keep Newton green

  • We continue to prioritize strengthening protections for Newton’s trees. 

    • Protecting all trees 6 inches in diameter and larger the same way across all properties in Newton

    • Requiring both tree replacement and payment into a tree fund 

    • Notifying all immediate neighbors for every property cutting down a tree so their own trees can be protected.

    • Recognizing “Heritage Trees” citywide and their special benefits to us all.

  • Please join us in urging the City Council to reject amendments that will remove hard-won protections.:​

  • Strong protections acknowledge the enormous benefits of trees and the costs to neighbors and the City of tree removal.


If you live or work in Newton…

and ask your friends to sign!

Send an email to the City Council on why protecting trees is important to you:

Send emails to:


Best: write the email to the City Council in your own words. (See talking points below.)

Second best: Send the talking points below to the City Council.



Talking points
Talking points to tell the Newton City Council:​
  • Thank you for your work on the crucial issue of preserving trees.

    • All trees in Newton, including those in cemeteries, are part of our shared green infrastructure and a public good that must be regulated to protect public health and to lessen impacts of the climate emergency on Newton residents.

  • I appreciate the new protection requirements for: 

    • a certified arborist to protect neighboring trees

    • protecting the largest trees across all residential properties

    • notifying abutters so they can protect their own trees

    • payment reductions for fixed- and low-income Newtonians 

  • I want to see Newton go further to protect and honor trees:

    • Create Heritage Tree designations, honoring mature trees and prohibiting their removal.

    • Create a registration system for companies doing tree work that pledge to comply with our ordinance requirements.

    • Develop a means to give property owners credit in stormwater drainage requirements for the mature trees they maintain (since each mature tree diverts thousands of gallons of stormwater each year). 

  • I urge you to vote no on the proposed amendments to exempt more trees from permitting and replacement requirements because: 

    • All tree removals, whether replacements are required or not, need permits so that the City has data on its urban tree canopy (for state funding, among other reasons). 

    • Removing invasive species for the purpose of bettering the tree canopy is already exempted in the ordinance.

    • Exempting all trees in the right-to-build area negates the public-good value of mature trees to our neighborhoods established by Newton’s 1995 and 2023 ordinances. 

This destruction will continue, without City Council action...

At 56 Upland Rd, Waban

BEFORE - August 28, 2022

AFTER - September 4, 2022

56 Upland hillside before.jpg
56 Upland hillside after.jpg
5 Red oaks, 2 White pines, 1 Hemlock
Total over
900 years of age,
Cut in
one day
  • alt.text.label.Facebook

We are Newton residents. We advocate for protecting our existing tree canopy in addition to planting more trees. We protest unnecessary cutting of trees as damaging our community.

About us

©2023 by Protect Newton Trees. Proudly created with

Designed by Yutong Yan, Newton South High School Class of 2025

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